Tariq Starr is featured in X-Pozsed Magazine, which will be on the shelves in January 2011.
A native of New Jersey, Tariq Starr simply does not require any Introduction! With a flash of a smile, he can captivate a woman’s curiosity, while his charismatic/sexy lyrics and heart throbbing – powerful performances sends women of all ages into a frenzy!
With his debut album “The One“ due out just in time for Christmas, we got a chance to sit down with Mr. Starr and talk about his upcoming projects.
Rising Star Interview :
X-Pozsed : Tariq December 14th is a crucial date for you !! You will be a releasing your CD “The One”, You have a slogan that you creatively came up with “ABD” . Explain what “ABD” stands for? And what kind of music and energy should we expect to hear off of your new album?
Tariq Starr : “A.B.D” stands for ( The Album Before the Deal ) I feel that this is a project that is going to give me my deal , so that is why I put the “A.B.D” there. The album is titled “The One” and you can get all kinds of different type of feels from it like; R&B, Pop I got some Hip Hop influences on their.
The album is going to have a lot of energy, a lot of upbeat stuff, it has some feel good music! I got some slow jams for the ladies ahh and some baby makers. It is a extremely solid effort and I’m quite excited for everyone to hear the music and see what I came up with. Every song on the album from #1 through #14 is written by me so, that is certainly a big step – showing me coming into my own . I Hope everyone enjoys the album and pick it up on December 14th!
X-pozsed : For those that may not know who you were up until now, please introduce yourself and tell all of your new X-pozsed fans , just how long you have been doing music ? And lead us down memory lane as you explain to us the moment you knew. you was destine for stardom ?
Tariq Starr : well, I got a voice that goes all way the back to my great ancestors, my great grandmother sung, my grandmother sung, my mother can sing – pretty much everyone in my family has that singing talent in them ,so it runs in the family. I started doing music at about 8 years old just playing around and recording stuff on a little karaoke machine. I would watch Soul Train every Saturday; I was at my TV locked. I could not miss Soul train or Apollo! also at five years old I was also in my first, “Talent Explosion” in Newark, New Jersey, my sister was a dancer and she had her dance group and was like, “You know what my brother can dance, I’m going to put him in”, so one day I went to one of their rehearsals and won a position front center, got the screams and that was the moment when I was like entertaining is what I want to do !
Professionally, I started as a solo artist in around the 10th or 11 grade but before, I became a solo artist – I use to sing with a group and being a very shy person, it was tough at first because I was comfortable with being around other people. We had our routines, we rapped and harmonize together, it was more like a family but I had to grow out of that and I had to come into who Tariq Starr, is.
X-Pozsed : You mention you were a shy person, is there any advice that you could give to those artist which can sing and dance , but sometime they just allow the fear to take over?
Tariq Starr : This is the thing; people always tell me that I come off cocky; and that I have the attitude as if I’ve already made it, but I still get nervous before every show and the way I get through it is… knowing I’m the s%@! [laughs] ..knowing that I’m about to tear it down and that I’m about to kill it tonight on stage !! I just go into this character and just allow my confidence to take over.
X-Pozsed : What do you feel is the biggest challenge you face being an artist?
Tariq Starr : it is a couple things, but there’s one in particular that sticks out and that is not being able to spend time with my family, like I used to. That’s hard for me to do because you have to put a 110 % of yourself in your music, performing, perfecting your craft, working hard, you are always in the studio, preparing for shows and your just doing so much stuff that it takes time away from love ones and friends and that is what I feel is the biggest challenge for me.
X-Pozsed : Your not only a extraordinarily talented singer – your also a dancer , and write /produce your own music – how big of a role do you think that knowing the business side of the Industry and writing your own material plays in an Artist longevity in this business ?
Tariq Starr : It plays a very big part – because that is where you make your money- that is your bread and butter. You have to sing stuff that you feel and even if you have some very good writers out there that can write things for you. For me, I have to write things from my perspective, I feel when it comes from your own experiences…. certainly it’s is coming from the heart and I feel it more. Now a days with CDs- not selling as much as they use to – finding other ways to make your money is the key….whether it is being a writer, performing, being in movies….you have to find other platforms then just being an “ Artist”! I’m involved in all aspects of my career, I’m even my own stylist.
X-Pozsed : That is great!! Because when you do get a major record deal, the recording label would not have to place too much money behind developing you as an artist!
X-Pozsed : I love your single “Woman “ – being a writer you must know how to sweet talk the ladies [Tariq Starr- laughs] – Now, for the young men that may be reading this (who’s main reason for getting in the music business) is for the ladies , what advice can you give them?
Tariq Starr : I’m glad you mention – The single “Woman”, it is a fan favorite and also mine too. Wait to you hear the final version because there is like a little twist at the end and it’s also a future single. The advice, I would give to the younger men getting into the business just BE YOUR SELF! Don’t try to be something that you’re not, or impress people with things you don’t have because eventually there going to figure out that you’re not the person you are pretending to be. So, just be yourself man…. And know how to treat a lady!
X-Pozsed : Just for fun ..why not? .. Is there any celebrity or not that you would like to make Mrs. Starr?
Tariq Starr : Yea, I got a couple they are ; Megan Good (that’s one ) , I love – Letoya Luckett, (she’s dope but underrated ) who else.. let’s see… – Nicki Minaj – (she’s, on fire right now), Alicia Keys, and Beyonce . They are all beautiful Black woman and they all have their own individual style and stand out, now those are a few….I have many more [laughs] I can go down a list .
X-Pozsed: No, No let’s just stop there! [ Laughs]
X-Pozsed :You’ve have already met and been advised from the best. Who would you like to collaborate on your next project ?
Tariq Starr: There are a lot of people, some of the main people that I would like to work with ,(whether it is arranging, producing , being a feature) it would be : Polow The Don, Kanye West, Swiss Beatz Jay-Z and who else [pause while -collecting his thought ] Sean Garrett, Tricky Stewart, and Drake! There are many others, but those are the main top people. That I would like to work with .
X-Pozsed : You know there are a lot of male singers out there, what do you feel set you apart from everyone else? In other words – When we come to one of your showcases, what type of show should we prepare to see?
Tariq Starr : What sets me apart from all other male entertainers is that, I’m me….there is no other “Tariq Starr”! I sing about things that I go through, someone else may go through something similar but the ending is not going to be the same.
When you come to a Tariq show….you are going to feel that high energy, I‘m going to give it to you raw! I’m not going to hold back, I’m going to give you all of me! All 100%, I dance, I got live vocal- (I can sing live) – I’m going to put on a real show for you, you will not be disappointed!!
X-Pozsed : You was born in New Jersey and now resides here in Atlanta . It seems that most artists, no matter what genre they may be – gravitate towards the South. What do you feel Atlanta has to offer for up and coming artist like yourself?
Tariq Starr: Atlanta, is the place to be! A lot people come here from LA, or New York and Florida because this is where it is happening at! Atlanta, is like the new Hollywood. Though, I feel like it is still hard to make it, but it is also easier….because you have people still looking out for one another and it’s more like a big family- instead of everyone trying to be against each other. Radio, even looks out and would play your stuff faster than anyone else would.
I just feel like Atlanta is a remarkably convenient place to be because there always thing going on, open mics, showcases, radio looking for people to perform somewhere, there are all kind of events and exposure to get your name out there. I think Atlanta is one of the top places to come and get your entertainment thing on!
X-Pozsed : Tariq, thank you so much for taking the time to grace our pages and like those before you this is the times were I place myself on pause and allow you the Artist, to tell your fans where and how they can see you and purchase your CD!!!
Tariq Starr : Well, basically you can follow me on Twitter http://twitter.com/tariqstarr And Facebook:http://www.facebook.com/people/Tariq-Starr/1181589509. You can also catch me on Myspace; myspace.com/tariqstarr : and then I have my blog at www.thehypetariqcampaign.blogspot.com and I update that often. Just look out for me, I’m coming!
Source: X-Pozsed Magazine